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Anxiety? Caffeine could make it worse!

Anxiety has become very well known in the last few years. What's causing such an outbreak of people with anxiety is beyond me, but what you're drinking could very well be making it worse!

Background Story:

I have a "light case" of anxiety which only comes around every once in a while. I mostly feel it when I feel like I can't leave a certain situation. For example, I was at Six Flags with Diego and we got to the top of the rollercoaster waiting line and there was a LONG line behind us. I realized I couldn't just walk down because of the crowd and I was already scared to go on this particular ride! My hands started tingling, which happens when I'm about to have a panic attack, and I was getting hot and dizzy. I've had a time when I was younger where I had a problem breathing which would cause panic attacks so I've learned how to calm myself down easily. This also happens sometimes at movie theaters, especially during scary movies, and a wedding... Yup. I almost passed out at my moms wedding... That I was in... In front of everyone.. I had to grab the guy in front of me and tell him I was about to pass out and he had to get me a chair! That was also accompanied by stress and not eating that day though.. Oops..

Anyways, I started to realize I would feel a little more anxious after I would drink caffeine, especially coffee. It wasn't just a rush of energy everyone feels, but I would get very shaky, I would start to feel sick, and my heart would have the worst pain. I started researching what was going on, and I found an article that said, caffeine can affect those with anxiety more than those without it. They actually have a disorder called "Caffeine- related anxiety" and they stated that caffeine is the most widely used mood-altering drug in the world. Now I'm not saying caffeine is bad, but if you have anxiety, or anxiety symptoms, you should look at what you're drinking. Caffeine could be a huge cause. Their are so many drinks you can still get at coffee shops and you might love your coffee from Starbucks, but maybe try a decaf version!

One drink I have to share that I LOVE is a "Iced chai with non fat (or soy) milk, and light ice. This drink has no caffeine and is SO GOOD. Definitely give it a try. I like getting these mostly in the Fall time because all the spices just scream Fall to me.

Some more refreshing drinks are their Lemonades, smoothies or you can even get a Frapuccino with no coffee!

Try switching up your drinks for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference!!

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