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Let's Talk about Health!

Health. It's probably one of the most talked about things now a days, but for good reason! It's IMPORTANT! We only have one body and it's taken me a long time to really realize how badly I needed to start treating it better. Everyone always thinks that health means eating broccoli all day, never having a donut, and running ten miles a day. That is NOT what it means. You can eat delicious foods that you never knew could be healthy and workouts can be fun! I just tried crossfit for the first time and it is not as intimidating as it seems! I've also done Yoga quite a lot and we have our normal gym membership as well! You can switch up workouts everyday if you want to find something that fits you! I also love green juice. I don't know if it's a mind thing, but you see all the healthy people drinking green juices, and models, and fitspos and it just makes me automatically feel good! Of course drinking healthy smoothies, juices, and of course WATER makes your body actually feel good, but something about those green juices just make me want to Instagram it and feel like a health guru. HA! So try something new and treat your body like a temple!

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